Peli 1510 vs Peli 1535: What are the differences?
Peli 1510 vs. Peli 1535
Chances are, if you have stumbled across this blog, you are more than likely after a case that you can carry on as hand luggage on a flight, and the Peli 1510 and Peli 1535 Air have been mentioned as the most popular. But which should you purchase? What are the differences? Lucky for you, I am going to break it down simply so that you can make your final decision!
Before we begin, you can take a look at each of the cases here to better your understanding.
Stick around until the end to save some money on your next case!
Size: What are the size differences between a Peli 1510 and a Peli 1535?
To put it simply, virtually none. The cases were designed with the same dimensions (give or take a couple millimeters), and both were designed to be airline carry-on cases.
Peli 1510 External Dimensions: 559mm x 351mm x 229mm
Peli 1535 Air External Dimensions: 558mm x 355mm x 228mm
Weight: Which is heavier?
As you can guess from the name, the Peli 1535 Air is up to 40% lighter than the Peli 1510 as it is made from HPX resin developed (HPX2TM), but do not be fooled; the lighter-weight design does not affect its durability.
Peli 1510 Weight With Foam: 5.95kg
Peli 1535 Air Weight With Foam: 4.5kg
Strength: Which is stronger?
The Peli 1510 case may appear to be much more rigid than the Peli 1535, but they are no more protective, with all three tested to US/NATO mil-spec standards. The plastic used on the Peli 1535 and other cases in the air range can bend and flex, whereas the Peli 1510 stays rigid. Again, this does not harm the strength, as the case was designed to flex but not break. It always rebounds upon impact or under strain.
Details: What are the differences in details?
Latches: The Peli 1510 uses two-step double-throw latches versus the press and pull latches on the Peli 1535 Air case. The double-throw latches generate a greater pressure seal than the press and pull latches. However, the majority of customers find the press and pull latches easier to use, especially in cold conditions.
Colours: The Peli 1510 comes in 6 colours (black, silver, orange, yellow, desert tan, and pink), whereas the Peli 1535 Air only comes in 4 colours (black, silver, orange, and yellow).
Price: Which is cheaper?
So it comes down to the final big question: which case is cheaper? Although the Peli 1535 Air is lighter, has fewer colours, and uses weaker latches, due to the manufacturing process of the plastic used in the case, it is actually slightly more expensive than the Peli 1510. Some people would rather pay the extra for the lighter weight if they are travelling and have a limited weight allowance.
Peli 1510: £229.83 exc VAT
Peli 1535 Air: £245.74 exc VAT
If you have made it this far and are ready to make your decision, chat online with our team or call 01902324734 for a discount on your purchase!
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