Trace Me Luggage Tracker
- £15.74 exc VAT (£18.89 inc VAT)
Trace Me Luggage Tracker Information
The robust TRACE ME luggage tracker enables your bag to be traced within airports and airline systems all around the world. It is perfect for travellers of any age and can be securely fastened to any type of bags.
In essence this is a luggage tag with a serial number that helps airports and luggage handlers return your bag to you while maintaining your privacy - you don't need to write your name and address on a luggage tally for everyone to see. In this way it can be a compliment to products like Apple AirTags and Tile Trackers because those products don't provide an easy way for luggage handlers to return items to their original owner and aren't supported by airlines, the TRACE ME does help luggage handlers and is supported by airlines..
TRACE ME is integrated into the SITA WorldTracer system, used by over 400 major airlines at over 2500 airports globally. It is also compatible with all other global baggage systems in use today. Click here to learn more about the SITA WorldTracer.
Simply purchase your TRACE ME, register the unique serial number and start to enjoy travelling with complete peace of mind.
Each TRACE ME tracker comes with one year inclusive tracing service from the date of registration. You can enjoy another year of peace of mind for only £6 Inc VAT.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not an electronic item - it does not connect to smartphones or enable wireless tracking.
Manufacturer's description of how TRACE ME works:
- Buy a TRACE ME tracker tag (or receive one as a gift).
- Register your tracker tag with us at, so we have your contact details.
- Attach the tag to your bag. Keep a record of the serial number with you [take a photo of it on the bag (our recommendation), or on a note in your purse or wallet, or in our downloadable app].
- If your bag fails to arrive at your destination, locate the lost luggage desk within the reclaim area and complete the airline Property Irregularity Report (PIR). Include that your bag has a TRACE ME tag, and your Serial number, on the report.
- If the standard airline paper tag is corrupted or missing, the airline baggage handlers will enter your TRACE ME Serial number into their bag management system, and a match to your PIR will be made.
- Your bag will be returned via your airline.
If you lose your bag on a flight:
In the event of your bag not arriving when you do,
- Fill in the standard airline Property Irregularity Report (PIR) at the lost luggage counter, including your TRACE ME Serial number in the bag description.
- Send a photo of the completed PIR (preferably) or at least the PIR number to TRACE ME ASAP, and provide your latest contact information (email and phone). It’s essential so TRACE ME can help you.
Whilst the airline does a search, so do TRACE ME. Your TRACE ME can help with this. Either the airline will find your bag, or the baggage handlers will contact TRACE ME, quoting your unique TRACE ME Serial number.
Using contact details stored securely in our database (certified ISO 27001), TRACE ME and/or the airline will inform you that the bag has been found.
The airline will then arrange return of your bag.